City Council President
Att. Francesco Giannì
- Date and place of birth: 06/21/1967 – Motta d’Affermo
- Election Date: 06/05/2012 (nomination: 09/05/2012)
- Party: Civic List
- Occupation category: Lawyers and Attorneys
- Qualification: Degree
Vice President
Francesco Dragotto
- Date and place of birth: 09/09/1964 – Motta d’Affermo
- Election Date: 06/05/2012 (nomination: 09/05/2012)
- Party: Civic List
- Occupation category: Employees
- Qualifications: Middle School diploma
Filippo Alfieri
- Date and place of birth: 30/04/1963 – Motta d’Affermo
- Election Date: 06/05/2012 (nomination: 31/07/2014)
- Party: Civic List | Motta In The Heart
- Occupation category: Nurses and Assimilated
- Qualifications: High School diploma
Carmelo Bellardita
- Date and place of birth: 24/07/1989 – Mistretta (ME)
- Election Date: 06/05/2012 (nomination: 09/05/2012)
- Party: Civic List
- Occupation category: Students
- Qualifications: High School diploma
Cristina Natalizia Brugnone
- Date and place of birth: 12/02/1961 – Motta d’Affermo
- Election Date: 06/05/2012 (nomination: 09/05/2012)
- Party: Civic List
- Occupation category: Employees
- Qualifications: High School diploma
Mario Calantoni
- Date and place of birth: 20/08/1977 – Mistretta (ME)
- Election Date: 06/05/2012 (nomination: 09/05/2012)
- Party: Civic List
- Occupation category: Artisans and skilled metal workers
- Qualifications: Middle School diploma
Francesco Ciardo
- Date and place of birth: 13/08/1968 – Mistretta (ME)
- Election Date: 06/05/2012 (nomination: 09/05/2012)
- Party: Civic List
- Occupation category: Employees
- Qualifications: High School diploma
Salvatore Marinaro
- Date and place of birth: 23/03/1980 – Mistretta (ME)
- Election Date: 06/05/2012 (nomination: 09/05/2012)
- Party: Civic List
- Occupation category: Unemployed
- Qualification: Degree
Concetta Noto
- Date and place of birth: 07/02/1981 – Mistretta (ME)
- Election Date: 06/05/2012 (nomination: 09/05/2012)
- Party: Civic List
- Occupation category: Students
- Qualification: Degree
Domenica Patiri
- Date and place of birth: 03/05/1991 – Mistretta (ME)
- Election Date: 06/05/2012 (nomination: 09/05/2012)
- Party: Civic List
- Occupation category: Unemployed
- Qualifications: Middle School diploma
Aldo Sarlo
- Date and place of birth: 08/11/1963 – Motta d’Affermo
- Election Date: 06/05/2012 (nomination: 09/05/2012)
- Party: Civic List
- Occupation category: Employees of Administrations
- Qualifications: Middle School diploma
Antonino Valenti
- Date and place of birth: 02/27/1969 – Mistretta (ME)
- Election Date: 06/05/2012 (nomination: 09/05/2012)
- Party: Civic List
- Occupation category: Merchants
- Qualifications High School diploma